Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Mission

A great burger is kind of perfect. It visits almost all levels of the food pyramid which, although it has been ignored as of late (thanks for nothing Dr. Atkins), is still how I decide what I need to eat: meat, cheese, starch, and veg (with some seasoning involved, hopefully...and some pork if I'm especially lucky).

I decided to start this blog because Boston has so many burger options, so how does one choose? This blog isn't about judgement, it's about burgers you need to eat and the amenities they come with.

There are a few different styles of burger one could be looking for in Boston:

Take-out Burger : This burger arrives quickly and travels well. A temperature is often not taken, and it relies on its accoutrements and its balance in flavor to make it great. 

Burger-joint Burger : This burger doesn't necessarily come from a lower-tier restaurant, just one that leaves the burger decision up to their guests. It should have meat that's cooked and seasoned well and a number of options for toppings and cheeses.

Chef's Burger : This is a burger that's usually served without much room for improvisation. Items can be omitted, but not added - this is the chef's vision of a burger. The meat quality for this category should be uncompromisingly high and the temps should be spot on. 

Based on this criteria, I look forward to chowing on any and all 'fists of meat' (read: burgers) that Boston has to offer and cataloging my burger-crushing experiences right here. Let's do this.

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